10th annual FOP Fishing Derby is Saturday morning

JONESBORO, Ark. – The early bird gets the worm – and the fish – this Saturday morning in Jonesboro.

The 10th Annual Jonesboro FOP Fishing Derby will be held for children ages three to 15 starting at 7 a.m. at Craighead Forest Park in Jonesboro.

  • Registration is from 7am to 8:15am
  • Fishing is 7:30-9am
  • Free snacks and drinks for everyone
  • Every child will receive a prize
  • Only 1 pole per child (must bring own pole and bait)

Fraternal Order of the Police President Nathan Coleman said he has been to many of the events as both a helper but also as a parent. He said his kids look forward to it every year, just like he does.

“We try to keep it fairly short because kids can get tired or lose interest in something pretty quickly,” Coleman said. “Registration is from 7 til 8:15 and fishing will be from 7:30 til 9am. Our derby crew has been making their rounds today from shopping for literally thousands of dollars worth of prizes and giveaways, helping Arkansas Game and Fish as they stock the pond, buying refreshments for tomorrow and tying up any loose ends.”

Kids can walk away with one of these or other cool prizes.

With the weather looking to be partly cloudy and between 72 and 90 degrees, Coleman said hopes are high.

“I hope that our 10th Annual Jonesboro FOP Fishing Derby goes in the books as one of our greatest years,” Coleman said. “This is one of the ways in which we try to give back to our communities and allow time for everyone to get to know the officers that serve them outside of times of need or distress.”

If you’d like to find more information or to make plans to attend, check out the event page on Facebook.

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