Vandals hopped on excavator and pull a tree down on the cab

JONESBORO, Ark. – When the crew for Jonesboro Memorial Cemetery got to work Friday morning, they found a big mess made by someone who should not have been there.

Crews from Shannon Kee Construction arrived at the cemetery at 3910 Harrisburg Road in Jonesboro just after 7 a.m. Friday morning to find major damage to their heavy equipment.

Sometime the night before, a suspect jumped in a Caterpillar excavator and used the boom arm to pull down a tree. The tree fell on top of the cab of the machine, causing damage estimated at $30,000. The crew had left the key to the machine in a cup holder.

It happened between 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday morning.

Suspects face felony charges of criminal mischief for causing damage in excess of $25,000.

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