WRPD investigating car break-ins

WALNUT RIDGE, Ark. – Jon Kopp began his Friday by telling everyone happy Friday on Facebook. But it was anything but a happy Friday him.

“If you happen to live in the Benson Addition in Walnut Ridge (behind the Hospital across the highway from Wal-Mart area) please keep your car doors locked,” Kopp wrote. “My vehicles and SEVERAL others were gone through last night resulting in many items and cash taken.”

Kopp went on to say a cash reward would be offered for the capture and conviction of the perpetrators of these break-ins.

NEA Report spoke with Walnut Ridge Police Chief Chris Kirksey, who confirmed an investigation was underway into the incident. Anyone with information is urged to contact police.

Kopp said this has been going on for at least the past two nights in the Benson Addition, behind Lawrence Memorial Hospital.

“I would say a dozen or more folks have been hit,” Kopp said.

While the perpetrators have been bold to act two nights in a row, many are now catching wind and the police department is putting added patrols in the area.

“My main concern is my wife’s brown Michael Kors purse with gold lettering that included cash, credentials, and both sets of keys for her car,” Kopp said. “That’s what I would really like to have. I have to get the car towed to Jonesboro and $250 per key to have them replaced!”

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